Timber Frames and Post & Beam Construction in Stevens Point WI

Post and Beam Construction in Central Wisconsin.

Timber Frame Construction has quickly become a popular building style in Stevens Point WI for both homes and businesses who like the big, open beam style of construction. A well built Timber Frame structure always looks impressive especially when it’s complimented with other natural accents such as stone and a more rustic style of landscaping.  Timber frames are almost always appealing to those who are fond of the outdoors and those of you who are looking for the perfect home to fit into the natural outdoor setting of your Stevens Point WI property.

Abel Complete Construction is a full service home construction contractor building homes in the Stevens Point area.  We specialize in timber frame and beam construction of homes, shops and even commercial spaces.  Our team of talented craftsman can turn your timber frame home dreams into a reality.

Post and Beam Construction in Stevens Point

  • Post and Beam Structures
  • Timber Frame Structures
  • Exposed Beam Construction

Timber Frame or Post and Beam Home Construction

Many people use these terms interchangeably when they are in fact quite different.  Timber Frame or Post and Beam can look quite similar but the difference lies on how the timbers are connected to each other.  With a post and beam structure you’ll see the timbers held together with large steel plates, often decorative that tie the timbers together.  A timber frame home relies on centuries old building techniques to actually connect the logs together with mortice and tenon joints.  Either way, you can still have exposed beams in the construction of your home but a timber frame home will cost quite a bit more because of the additional work involved.

We specialize in “Post and Beam” construction because it’s little more affordable and still looks fantastic and is just as structurally sound as an actual timber frame structure when it’s completed by a professional.  It makes for a very impressive structure.

Want to use your own wood? If you have a treed acreage with some old standing timber then the wood for your posts and beams can often be milled from the lumber on your own property.  It’s not as simple as taking the trees down and milling them though, they do need to be handled and milled correctly.  There are a number of portable mill operators in the area who can custom mill the beams and other structural timbers for your home or structure.  Sourcing the materials from your own property is a great way to save money and leave less of an impact on the environment than having expensive timber imported from elsewhere.

Abel Complete Construction is an experienced home builder and construction contractor in the Stevens Point area.  From Foundation to Final Inspection.  Abel Complete can provide you with the seamless custom Timber Frame or Post and Beam home building experience you’re looking for.


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